Contacting support
NetX Support may be reached by email:, or via our Support Portal: NetX support hours are Monday-Friday from 0700 through 1700 US Pacific Time zone.
Submitting a support ticket
When reporting a problem, you must log in to the NetX Support Portal, located at Any incidents emailed to will automatically be submitted to the portal. To access this site, you will be required to enter your credentials that were provided at the time of your license purchase or during Onboarding. Please contact your NetX Account Manager if you require new credentials.
Please read our Support Ticket Best Practices before submitting a ticket to expedite the time needed to resolve an incident.
Support includes
- Incident support — identifying and troubleshooting problems in the software
- Assistance with issues during installation
- Assistance with issues during upgrades
- Identifying and creating needed bug reports
- Basic guidance around implementation and configuration
- Integration support with other NetX products
Support does not include
- Customers without a valid maintenance agreement
- Support for end-users
- Product training
- Support in languages other than English
- Professional Services such as configuration or consulting
- System and performance tuning
- Deployment and capacity planning
- Installation and upgrade services for On-Premise customers
- End of Life, Beta, Release Candidate or Development releases
- Customized versions of NetX products (customized means original product code has been modified)
- Development questions or requests (unless a bug in NetX API is suspected as the root cause. See API Support for more details).
- Third-party application integrations or third-party plugins
NetX shall be under no obligation to provide Support to customers if NetX makes a good faith determination that the primary cause of a bug or reported problem results from the failure or malfunction of any third-party or customer software, tools, equipment, facilities or devices not furnished by NetX for use in connection with the licensed software.
The NetX support process
The Support Team will gather the necessary information and determine the next steps required to resolve requests. The Support Team will often be able to find a resolution without consulting other NetX teams. However, sometimes a request will require Engineering or Product teams to investigate further, and it will be up to those teams to prioritize fixes and feature development. While the Support Team will advocate on behalf of customers, their involvement once a request is escalated to other NetX teams will be minimal, providing status updates as they become available.
Support response SLAs
Target | Urgent | High | Normal | Low |
First response time | 2 hours | 8 hours | 2 days | 5 days |
Next response time* | 4 hours | 2 days | 4 days | 10 days |
* Next response time means each subsequent reply by Support to a customer inquiry about the ticket status.
Support priority levels
While NetX attempts to respond to all issues in a timely manner, issues that affect our customers' production applications (i.e. Level 1, Level 2) take priority. "Production" is defined as an instance of NetX software actively used by the customer's business users; it does not include testing systems or production staging systems or environments.
Severity level | Description | Characteristics |
Level 4 - Low | Non-Business Impact: issue occurring on non-production system or question, comment, feature request, documentation issue or other non-impacting issue. |
1. Incorrect product behavior without impact. 2. Product question or enhancement. |
Level 1 - Urgent | Critical Business Impact: Critical issue occurring on production system preventing business operations. A large number of users are prevented from working with no procedural workaround. |
1. System hangs or crashes. 2. Critical functionality not available. 3. Data loss or data corruption. 4. Large number of end-users blocked from work. 5. Impact is escalating quickly. |
Level 2 - High | Significant Business Impact: Major issue occurring on production system severely impacting business. A large number of users are impacted by issue but they are still able to work in a limited capacity. |
1. Significant performance degradation. 2. Important functionality not available. 3. Small number of users blocked from work. 4. Impact is escalating. |
Level 3 - Normal | Minimal Business Impact: Issue causing a partial or non-critical loss of functionality on production system. A small number of users are affected. |
1. Some system functions not available. 2. Minor performance degradation. 3. Small number of users impacted. 4. Impact is not escalating. |
Supported platforms
See Supported Platforms and Supported Browsers for detailed information on what platforms are supported with NetX products. NetX will not provide assistance with configuration in unsupported environments.
Fixing bugs
- NetX Support will help with workarounds and bug reporting
- Critical bugs will generally be fixed in the next patch release
- Non-critical bugs will be scheduled according to a variety of considerations
Critical priority for bug fixes is defined as: "production application down or major malfunction causing business revenue loss or high numbers of staff unable to perform their normal functions". This includes security issues.
Closed support issues
A support issue is deemed closed (but not necessarily resolved) when one or more of the following has occurred:
- The software has been corrected or modified so that it performs in material accordance with the applicable specification in the documentation for the applicable version of the software
- The customer has been advised on how to bypass the error
- In the case of software, the customer has been informed that the correction to the error is in the current or first prior patch/update, release or version of the software
- In the case of non-critical issues, the customer has been informed that the correction to the error will be available through a future upgrade, release or version
- It has been discovered that the problem falls within an exclusion to support and the customer has been notified thereof
Eligibility and software maintenance
Software maintenance covers access to support and software product updates for the corresponding software license. Refer to the End User License Agreement for specific terms of agreement. After the active maintenance period expires, the software will continue to function, but you will no longer be able to access support or software updates (including security bug fixes).
Support is open to system administrators and NetX Support account holders. End-users will be redirected to your NetX system administrator.
Knowledge prerequisites (for on-premise customers)
Administering NetX products requires a baseline technical skill set, including but not limited to:
- Comfort running SQL commands and installing a database.
- Comfort installing and maintaining production application servers.
- Ideally, the organization will have a sysadmin, DBA or other staff members whose primary responsibilities include server and database administration.
Customers are responsible for administering and upgrading their installations. NetX Support will provide guidance on how to do this, but we will not provide step-by-step maintenance or installation. If you require further assistance with this level of implementation, please contact your Account Manager at to discuss the options available as Professional Services.
Help with unsupported issues
Ideas portal
The NetX Ideas Portal is a great channel for feature requests or related discussions outside the bounds of the NetX Support offering. If you do not have access to the NetX Ideas Portal, contact your Account Manager at to gain access, submit ideas and join the conversation.
Third-party product integration
NetX products interface with a variety of technologies. Web Servers, email servers, load balancers, single sign-on solutions (SSO), SSL certificates and LDAP repositories add functionality that is often critical to the functioning of our products. NetX will endeavor to provide documentation for integration with third-party applications but does not provide support for third-party applications themselves. We are unable to provide support when a failure in a third-party application occurs and we recommend that you contact the application's vendor for assistance with your third-party products.
Beta and development releases
NetX does not offer support for development or beta releases, nor release candidates.
Databases and application servers
Servlet containers and databases are integral technologies; without them NetX products cannot function. We provide instructions for integrating our products with supported platforms, but we do not support configurations that differ from the procedures described in our product documentation.
Development requests
There are many ways to extend our products through the use of the NetX API. If you encounter a problem integrating our products, NetX support is happy to help document the problem and relay information to our development teams as follows:
- We can help you verify whether our code is working as intended and document any bugs.
- If we provide examples of API requests and responses in our documentation, we will work to make sure that documentation is up-to-date.
- For in-depth questions about the API and custom development, we will refer customers to our Professional Services team.
Modifying data — NetX does not support customers performing direct data manipulation of the application database or search index as this can easily lead to data integrity problems. If NetX encounters manipulation or customizations at this level, we may ask customers to restore data from their last known working state, or to engage our Professional Services team to help restore their instance to a supportable state.
- Fixing problems — If there are data integrity problems due to defects in a product, NetX will provide workarounds or solutions to these problems that may involve SQL queries. We use SQL-based solutions as a last resort.
- Reporting — Using SQL for business intelligence is beyond the scope of NetX Support.
Deployment planning activity
Planning for the rollout of any of our products or capacity planning for large instances is better suited for service offerings rather than NetX Support. We will refer this kind of activity to our Professional Services team. This includes establishing specific upgrade and deployment plans for existing installations.