A share link grants external users access to NetX assets and constituent files. Share links can be created by consumer-level users or higher.
Creating a share link
Share links are tied to their creators and will not be accessible if the creator's account is deleted from the system. To avoid this risk, we recommend using a service account for critical links.
Share action
Use the Share action or the asset, folder, selection, saved search, or collection:
(share) button to create a share link for a singleSharing a single asset
- Click the share action from the asset detail page.
- In the gallery, right-click the asset's thumbnail and click Share.
Sharing a selection of assets
- Use the Share button in the selection bar.
- Right-click a selected asset's thumbnail in the gallery and choose Share.
Sharing a folder, collection, or saved search
- Open the folder, collection, or saved search action menu and select Share.
- Click the gallery header action menu while viewing collections, folders, and saved searches. Choose Share to share gallery contents via share link.
Download options
When creating a link, you'll first be prompted to select download options for the assets you want to share. These options may change depending on the type of assets you are downloading.
- Original: shares the source asset in its native form. This option is always available, regardless of selection or attribute type.
- Thumbnails and Previews: derivative "proxy" files that are created upon upload for specific assets. If available for all shared assets, both proxy options will be displayed; thumbnails at around 150 pixels and previews at 500 pixels on the longest side, based on orientation.
- Views: Any view files attached to the asset(s). If sharing multiple assets, this option only displays if all assets have at least one view in common; only those common views will appear as options.
- Presets: will only appear if your link consists entirely of repurposeable image formats and your site has at least one saved image preset, or video assets.
- Include subfolders: When sharing a folder, this option includes all subfolders and their assets in the downloaded zip file.
- Embed attributes: the option to embed attribute data into your shared files is available if at least one metadata map has been configured on your site. If a default map has been designated, this option will be automatically enabled when sharing or downloading.
- Export attributes: choose this option to export a CSV file of attribute data about your shared assets.
- Include PDF: this option will add a PDF contact sheet of your shared assets to the share link.
- Enable link: If toggled on, access to the link is active. If this link toggle is off, users will be presented with an error when trying to access the form.
- Title (required): A descriptive name for the share link. This title will be displayed at the top of the share link page.
- Expiration date: Set an expiration date for the link by either typing the date (YYYY-MM-DD) or using the calendar button. When the expiration date is reached, the link will automatically disable. Expired links can be re-enabled by modifying the existing expiration date or toggling Enable link on, which will automatically clear the expiration date.
- Password: optionally set a password that must be entered before a user can access the share link page.
- Allow download: If the Allow download option is enabled, users can download assets from the share link. If it is disabled, the assets will be view-only. When Allow download is turned off, Views, Repurpose Presets, Attribute Exports, and PDF contact sheets will not be shown on the share landing page. Additionally, link recipients will receive an error message if the selected download options do not include Original, Thumbnail, or Preview when Allow download is disabled.
Choose which attributes display on the share link's list view landing page. If no attributes are selected here, only asset names will be shown. Click Publish when ready to create the link.
Once a share link is created, copy the URL to your clipboard or email it directly to one (or more) recipients with a custom message. Click the Share button when you are ready to send your email.
Managing share links
Share links can be managed by the user who created the link, or an administrator. Use the Tools menu to navigate to the Links section. From this tab, you can manage any existing share links or create new ones.
- Each link record displays a Title, Asset count, Creation date, Creator, Expiration date, Last downloaded date, Status and an action menu.
- Use the Filter (magnifying glass) field to search link data. Only non-date columns are filterable.
- Click on column headers to sort links by column data.
- Filter links by Status. Enabled shows only currently enabled links, Disabled shows inactive links, and Any shows all links regardless of status.
- Additional actions are available from a link's action menu: Copy link, Share, Edit, and Delete.
Sharing links
Select Copy link or Share from a link's action menu to copy the link URL or email the URL directly to recipients.
Editing links
You cannot change a link's creator. When a link's creator has been deleted the existing URL will no longer work and you will need to create a new link.
Click on an individual link in the table or use the Edit action to edit the link's Download options Settings and Attributes.
Deleting links
Delete deletes the link permanently. This cannot be undone.
Accessing share links
Use a browser to open a share link and preview and/or download shared assets and data.
- A share link's header includes the site's logo, link title, number of assets, and expiration date, if applicable. To translate, use the Language (globe) button in the top right corner of the link page.
- Toggle between card and list view using the view selection buttons in the top right of the asset gallery. In card view, the only visible attribute will be the asset's name. List view displays any attributes configured for display in the link.
- Click the download button within an asset's cell to download that specific asset. If multiple download options are available, you can choose to download them individually or as a grouped bundle.
- Use the Download all button to download all assets and data at once, or select individual PDFs and data exports via the adjacent dropdown arrow.
Certain file types may be previewed directly from the share link without needing to download the file first, including images, video, audio, and PDFs.