Remote Access Policy

Written authorization from the Customer is required prior to any remote access session conducted by NetXposure. All remote access sessions will be logged by NetXposure, including details of logon/logoff times, systems accessed, and specific tasks performed by Technician (NetXposure sysadmin). The Customer is responsible for securing credentials for all service accounts (including database accounts) that the Technician has knowledge of during installation/configuration. NetXposure is not liable for security incidents involving Customer’s credentials or network access configurations. Please note that If the Customer decides to change any service account passwords after installation, reconfiguration of application components may be required for the application to function properly. Please contact NetXposure support for proper guidelines before attempting service/database account password changes.

Network Access

  • The Technician will need remote access to the Customer’s Local Area Network, preferably via Remote Desktop/VPN connection.
  • The Technician must be provided administrator access for each machine involved in the installation. (SSH, Windows admin with RDP permissions, etc.) We recommend that these credentials be unique to NetXposure and separate from any internal administrative login credentials that are regularly used by the Customer. It is the Customer’s responsibility to maintain secure procedures for credentials, such as password complexity, expiration, connection timeout, and available logon times. 
  • NetXposure is not responsible for data loss or service interruption incurred during Remote Access; it’s the Customer’s responsibility to back up all systems before remote access sessions are commenced.
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