Retrieving Logs

When troubleshooting a support ticket, you may need to provide instance logs and additional details to help the engineering team diagnose your issue. This guide covers how to download logs from your application, what supporting information to include, and how to adjust log settings for maximum insight into your problem.

Downloading logs

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 15.13.21.png

To download logs from your NetX application:

  1. Go to Systems > Logs tab.
  2. Use the Download button and select the time frame when the error occurred (Today or Past week).
  3. Download the .zip file and locate exogen.log.
  4. Attach exogen.log and relevant supporting details to your support ticket.

If multiple exogen.log files exist, include only those covering the issue's date and time.
For issues older than 7 days that can't be reproduced, contact support to retrieve specific logs from that period.

Supporting details

Provide specific details to help our engineering team diagnose and fix your issue. Relevant information may include:

  • Asset ID(s)
  • Time issue occurred
  • Affected user(s)
  • AutoTask name(s)
  • Action(s) performed

Log levels

By default, the log level will be set to 2 (INFO) for normal use, but you will need to set it to 1 (DEBUG) when submitting a support ticket. Change the log level by updating the property listed below. After changing to 1, try to recreate the issue for detailed logging. If unable to reproduce, still send logs from the relevant time period.

Property Values Description Requires restart?
log.log_level 1 or 2

Log detail levels:

1 (DEBUG): Use when requested by Support. Provides detailed information for troubleshooting. Revert to default after obtaining logs.
2 (INFO): Default level. Records basic events. Recommended for daily use.
Changes take effect immediately without restart.

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