When browsing through folders, searches, or collections, the assets contained within those contexts are displayed in a central viewing area, known as the gallery.
View options
There are four ways to display assets in the gallery. You can switch between these views using the icons along the upper right corner of the gallery's header.
Mosaic view
- Select the icon to use Mosaic view.
- Displays asset thumbnails in a grid with no attribute data.
- Maximizes the number of assets displayed in a viewable area.
- Sort the gallery by attribute value using the header dropdown.
- There are no slider nor attribute set options present in this view.
Card view
- Select the
icon to use card view.
- Displays uniformly sized asset blocks along with a standard set of attribute data including file type, dimensions/duration (dependent on file type), and file size.
- The first attribute (and only the first attribute) listed in the chosen attribute set will appear underneath each thumbnail. Note that a large attribute set may impact gallery performance.
- If no value is present for that attribute for that asset, no value will appear.
- Both the attribute set and attribute used to sort the gallery can be changed using their respective dropdowns in the header.
- Expand or shrink the gallery thumbnails using the slider in the gallery's header.
Curator view
- Select the
icon to use curator view.
- Displays uniformly sized asset blocks similar to a card view.
- All filled attributes applied to an asset according to the selected gallery's chosen attribute set will appear with each asset block, including the name of the attribute. Note that a large attribute set may impact gallery performance.
- If an attribute is unfilled for a particular asset, it will not appear at all.
- Attribute sets are vertically scrollable inside each asset block.
- Both the attribute set and attribute used to sort the gallery can be changed using their respective dropdowns in the header.
- Instead of a smooth size slider, there are three sizing options available using the header's slider.
List view
- Select the icon to use list view.
- Displays assets in a list format accompanied by a small thumbnail along with a horizontal list of attribute data according to the chosen attribute set. Note that a large attribute set may impact gallery performance.
- Any unfilled attribute will appear blank for its respective asset.
- Attributes will be horizontally scrollable. Each asset's thumbnail and selection checkbox are fixed to the lefthand side of the window even as you scroll.
- Both the attribute set and attribute used to sort the gallery can be changed using their respective dropdowns in the header.
- Each attribute header can be used in lieu of the attribute sort dropdown to sort the gallery in addition to the dropdown itself.
Asset actions
Certain actions are available across gallery types including:
- Select
- Download
- Add custom thumbnail
- Create PDF
- Expire
- Find assets like this
- Repurpose
- Resync
- Review
- Share
- Delete
Each action is also available using a right-click context menu as well as its action menu regardless of gallery view type. Note that all available actions are still subject to permitted actions based on user level.
Gallery actions
Some actions will be available to galleries as a whole, rather than through individual actions or a selection. These actions will include:
Note that while most gallery contexts will have all of these actions available from the header, search galleries will only present you the opportunity to save your search.