On-premise Dependency Changes

This article outlines the dependency changes needed to host the latest NetX release. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support@netx.net before starting an upgrade. 

Which version of NetX are you upgrading from?


No new dependency changes are required to upgrade to the latest release from version 10.7.0 to 11.x.

10.0 to 10.6

As of version 10.7.0, NetX requires Redis, an in-memory datastore. For instructions on how to install Redis and configure NetX to utilize it, see Installing Redis.

Java options

Please remove the following Java options before starting NetX, if present:

JDK 17

As of version 10, NetX requires OpenJDK JDK 17. If you are running on Linux, make sure to update your JAVA_HOME environmental variable in your /opt/netx/bin/setenv.sh to reflect the new java location. On Windows, the installer may automatically locate the new java version. See JDK - Java Development Kitfor JDK installation instructions.

Solr 8

As of version 10, NetX now supports Solr 8. An automatic reindex will not be kicked off after the NetX 10 upgrade, so if you run into issues with search or asset display after the upgrade you will need to start a manual reindex.

Follow the instructions below to upgrade NetX and Solr:

Tomcat 9

NetX 10 included a new version of Apache Tomcat application server. Tomcat 9 is automatically bundled with the NetX upgrade pack and does not require manual intervention to install.

Windows admins:  Tomcat 9 now defaults the NetX service account to Local Service instead of Local System. For the NetX service to start successfully, you need to change the Log On account to Local System or grant the Local Service (or your custom service account) Full Control permission to the NetX application directory after the upgrade. For more details, see Upgrading NetX on Windows.

Older than 9.x

Please submit a ticket to NetX support to request further instructions before attempting this upgrade.

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