MediaRich Zoom Settings

MediaRich zoom

Equilibrium's MediaRich transcoding engine provides an enhanced zoom option; in order to use MediaRich to create zooms, see our MediaRich installation guide. In order to use MediaRich when creating zooms, the following properties must be configured according to the tables below.

 If your site is configured with a brand watermark, the watermark will not be applied to zooms created with MediaRich.

Enabled properties

Property Description


If this property is true, the MediaRich plugin is enabled. If this property is false, it is disabled.

Value options: true / false


If this property is true, the MediaRich plugin will be used when creating zoom views. If this property is false, no zooms will be created even if MediaRich is otherwise enabled.

Value options: true / false


Disabled properties

In order to enable MediaRich zoom views, the following properties must be set to false

Property Description


Value: false

Requires restart: yes


Value: false

Requires restart: yes


Value: false

Requires restart: yes


Value: false

Requires restart: yes



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