NetX's YouTube integration allows you to publish videos from NetX directly to your YouTube channel quickly and seamlessly. Here you will find instructions to connect the two applications and subsequently upload videos to YouTube.
This is a simplification of the instructions provided by Google. Their documentation can be found here.
Because your YouTube integration will be tied to a Google account that cannot be changed later, it is recommended that you use a business account accessible by members of your organization, rather than an account tied to a particular user.
1. From the developer console available from your Google account, create a new project.
2. Next, you will be prompted to give your new project a name. This will generate a unique project ID associated with the name you give your project.
3. To access the project dashboard, select Enable APIs and get credentials like keys from the Getting Started.
4. In the dashboard area, click Enable APIs and services. Search for the YouTube API, and choose YouTube Data API v3. Once selected, click Enable. This will allow YouTube to be connected with your current project.
5. From the original project Dashboard, navigate to Credentials. Create your credentials by selecting OAuth client ID.
6. Before creating your credentials, you will be prompted to configure the consent screen for your OAuth client ID.
7. Below, the required fields are starred.
8. Once your consent configuration is finished, you will need to create your client ID. Here, choose Web application. Give your application a name, and then use your NetX instance's URL for Authorized Javascript origins. Make sure to include https:// in your URL. As your Authorized redirect URIs, use your NetX instance's URL again, with /oauth tagged onto the end of the URL.
9. Once you hit Create, your credentials will be generated. Copy both the client ID and the client secret in a secure location you will be able to recall it later.
10. You will use these values in your mediaServices.xml file. If your instance already has this file, you will find it at $NETX_HOME/config/mediaServices.xml
. Only copy the following xml in between the <media_services> brackets below and place it in between the <media_services> brackets which already exist in your file. Use the client ID and client secret copied in the previous step. If this file does not yet exist, create it now and copy the following into your new file, with your own client ID and client secret.
Once you have configured this file, a restart of your instance is required before you will be able to publish content to YouTube
<media_services> <youtube> <name>YouTubeService</name> <label>YouTube</label> <client_id>CLIENT_ID_HERE</client_id> <client_secret>CLIENT_SECRET_HERE</client_secret> </youtube> </media_services>
Publish to YouTube
1. To begin publishing your video content to YouTube, navigate to the Integrations tab found in the Systems area of your NetX instance. If you don't see this tab, check that media services are enabled.
2. Here you will see a list of all integrations available for your NetX instance. YouTube will not be enabled until you turn the Status toggle on. You will then need to verify your Google account before the Status toggle will turn blue.
3. Before publishing to YouTube, you must make sure the Google account you will publish under has an active YouTube channel. To open a new channel, use the gear icon accessible from the top-right account icon and click Create a new channel from the Overview page.
4. To publish a video to your new channel, perform a share action on a single asset in NetX. Note that publishing multiple videos in one share action is not supported. Choose the Publish option and check YouTube.
Supported file types for this action are restricted to those supported by the YouTube platform. For a list of supported YouTube file types, see YouTube's official documentation.
5. Your YouTube video will appear instantly, though it may take a few minutes to fully upload depending on the length and quality of the video. You will be able to see your published video and watch the status of the upload from the Videos section of the Video Manager tab of your YouTube account.
Month | Savings |
mediaServices.enabled |
To enable the Integrations area, this property must be set to true. Value options: true / false Requires restart? No |