The NetX Jira Connector app allows your team a fluid integration with a well-rounded project management solution. Assign and track tasks in Jira, then push assets and project data to NetX once they’ve been approved.
System requirements
- On-premise or SaaS NetX 8.5+ installations
- JIRA 6.0 -7.3.2 Server (JIRA instance must use MySQL or MS SQL Server)
Before you begin
- Your NetX instance must be licensed to support the Jira app. To check that that the instance is properly licensed, navigate to System > Overview and look for Exogen License Modules. If you see JiraConnect as one of the licensed modules, you are ready to proceed.
- SaaS customers: If you have purchased Jira Connector but do not see the module listed, please contact your Account Manager.
- On-premise customers: see Updating a NetX License File.
A folder or folders in which the files received from JIRA will land must be created in NetX.
This integration requires a user account that is at least Manager level and has permission to access the folder created above.
- For those who have on-premise JIRA instances, it is important to note that Postgres databases are not supported by the app.
- Your NetX instance should have the following property set:
Property | Values | Description | Requires restart? |
text | This can be set to any valid CORS domain value you choose. However, you may want to simply add a wildcard (asterisk) value if you are unsure. | Yes |
Installing Jira Connector
Depending on your Jira version, you may see the word plugin, add-on, or app shown in the Jira administration UI. These terms can be used interchangeably.
- Download the Jira Connector app from the NetX Service Portal.
- Using a Jira administrator account, log into Jira and navigate to Jira Administration > Add-ons > Manage apps.
- Click Upload app and browse to select the Jira Connector file you downloaded in step 1.
Configuring Jira Connector
- Once the Jira Connect app is installed, a NetX Configuration option will appear in the sidebar menu.
- Click NetX Configuration and fill in the form with the URL of your NetX instance, the user created to access NetX from Jira and the password for that user. This will allow Jira to access NetX.
- The system is now ready to add the syncing and workflow options. Under the login box, there is a table with the headers Project and Issue Type. Click the plus + button on the right-hand side to add the Projects and Issue Types relevant to your workflows.
- This opens a modal that can be used to complete the configuration of the syncing options. Select the project (or leave as Any Project) and the Issue Type (or leave as Any Issue Type). It is recommended that at least one or the other be specified. Then begin typing in the name of the folder in NetX where the files will be uploaded. A selection of folders that matches what you have typed will appear below — choose the folder from these options. This folder can be different for different Project/Issue Type combinations. If you would like the uploaded files placed in a subfolder named for the Jira ticket they are uploaded from, check the box next to the folder name.
- Next, add the Jira user groups permitted to upload to the selected folder. If you would like these users to be able to view the uploaded assets in NetX by following a link from the Jira ticket, choose Yes in the dropdown box directly under the Upload Groups field.
- If your workflow requires the mapping of Jira field values to attribute values in NetX, click the Yes option next to Map Jira attributes. Select which Jira fields (left) will be synced to which NetX fields (right). Click the plus + or minus - buttons to add or remove fields from the list. It is important to note the following when determining which Jira fields are mapped to attributes in NetX.
- Creating a field in Jira that exists solely to feed attribute values to NetX is not necessary. Alternatively, you can specify an attribute set that will present a group of attributes for editing during upload. If the field is not required to complete the work, or should be reported by the assignee of the Jira ticket as opposed to the reporter, we recommend the value be recorded at the time of upload.
- Controlled vocabulary value options (Tags, pulldowns, multi-select, dates, and certain constrained number sets) will only be displayed when the "Upload" button is clicked. These value options will not be present in the Jira ticket itself because the connection utilized to upload the files begins when the Jira user clicks the "Upload" button. Terms entered in the ticket itself that do not correspond to controlled vocabulary values may be recordable in the Jira ticket, but will not be accepted during upload.
- If you want your Jira user to enter NetX attribute values outside of the Jira ticket, attribute sets containing the desired attribute fields can be presented to the Jira user during upload. To configure this option, select Yes for Present attribute collection(s) during upload?. Choose the set(s) and determine if the entry of the data is mandatory for all attributes in the set, no attributes in the set, or only those already determined to be mandatory in the NetX configuration.
- In addition, a single NetX attribute may be modified when the Jira ticket is closed. This attribute and its desired value can be selected. If the modified attribute is to be filled with a value from a controlled vocabulary (pulldown, multi-select, or tag), the value entered here must match the value option configured in NetX exactly. For example, if "Complete" is the value in NetX for the attribute Status that you wish to have entered when a ticket is closed, the value entered may not be "complete" or "finished" as these will be rejected and attribute value will remain unmodified.
Using Jira Connector
- Once the Jira Connector app is configured, it can be used to push assets and data into NetX. Create a Jira ticket with one of the configured Project and Issue Type combinations. The values entered in the ticket will conform to the mapping for that combination of Project and Issue Type.
- When the work is completed and the new assets ready to be uploaded, the ticket assignee can then upload the assets to NetX by clicking the Upload button that appears in the bottom right hand corner of the ticket:
- If the system has been configured to allow links to uploaded files in NetX, a new tab will appear in the Activities portion of the ticket showing previous uploads
- Once the Upload button has been clicked, a window for selecting files will appear. If the system has been configured to request additional values for an attribute set in NetX, these values will also be displayed.
- Once the upload button has been clicked, the upload window will show the upload progress.
- After upload is complete, the asset(s) and associated attribute values will appear in NetX.