
Statistics allow Director-level users and above to gain insight as to how the NetX is being used, and who is using it from the Tools panel. Statistics are broken down by UsageWeekly, and Query tabs.


The Usage tab displays a higher-level overview from the past month including storage, number of assets, users, etc. The x-axis represents the dates of the last month. The y-axis represents the amount of storage used.


  • Asset view storage total: Storage taken up by asset views.
  • FLV storage total: Storage taken up by MP4 files and other video playback files such as FLV/Flash
  • Asset repository total: Asset repository storage total.
  • Shared storage total: All session directory output e.g. downloads and asset sharing.
  • Preview storage total: Storage take up by asset previews
  • Versions storage total: Storage taken up by asset versions
  • Zoom storage total: Storage taken up by zoom tiles


The Weekly tab displays a pie chart of statistics reflecting actions performed in the application including asset downloads and deletions


  • The inner ring represents data for the past week in aggregate. 
  • The outer ring represents data for the selected day in aggregate. 
  • Use the lower day timeline to select a particular day in the past week to view its statistics in the outer ring.
  • The righthand legend displays the colors for each statistic data. Any action field grayed out is an action that has not been performed during the given date/week. 
  • Hover over slices of both the inner and outer pies to reveal specific usage data via tooltip.



  1. Search type: Determine your query option
  2. Date type: Specify the date range, i.e. today, this year, a specific date, between two dates, etc.
  3. Date: If the selected date type requires date input, i.e. querying a specific date, a Date field will appear. Type the desired date (using yyy-mm-dd format) or use the calendar-picker. If the selected date type is In between, two fields will appear.
  4. User filter: Narrow your query results based on who performed the search type action; you can specify any number of users, groups, or perform the query across all users over the chosen time frame.
  5. Graph view: While viewing statistics queries in graph view, you will see a chart displaying along the X-axis, and number of entries along the Y-axis.
  6. List view: List view displays each statistic as individual line items. Each item will show the user who performed the action, the item they performed the action on, as well as the date and time the action was performed.
  7. Download query data: This button downloads the results of your statistics query as a CSV file. 

Query options

  • Approved download request assets: The number of assets approved during download requests.
  • Approved download requests: The number of times a request was approved.
  • Assets viewed: The number of times a user navigated to any given asset detail view.
  • Assets searched: The number of keyword searches performed.
  • Assets downloaded: The number of assets downloaded; this statistic only includes the download of original assets.
  • Assets imported: Number of assets uploaded.
  • Assets deleted: Number of assets deleted.
  • Assets checked in: Number of times assets were checked in; this will also reflect reactivated versions.
  • Assets checked out: The number of times assets were checked out
  • Assets linked: The number of times asset relationships were updated.
  • Assets placed: The number of times assets were placed using NetX's CC Panel
  • Folders deleted: The number of folders deleted.
  • Folders viewed: The number of times a user navigated to any given folder. 
  • Denied download request assets: The number of assets denied during download requests
  • Denied download requests: The number of times an asset request was denied. 
  • File downloads: The number of files downloaded. This includes originals, asset proxies, repurposes, views, PDF contact sheets, and attribute data
  • Session expiration: The number of times user sessions expired. 
  • Shared assets: The number of assets shared including any asset repurpose downloads or views.
  • Shared files: The number of share actions, including originals, asset proxies, repurpose, views, PDF contact sheets, and attribute data.
  • User logins: The number of users that have logged into the site. Note: API logins performed via the authenticate method (using a session key) will be included in this query. API logins using OAuth or API tokens will not be included.
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