Once assets have been repurposed using an AutoTask, you have the ability to then export the results of the repurposed asset as a view of those affected assets.
<matchCriteria type="and">
<criteria type="action" value="attributeChange"></criteria>
<criteria name="Shrink me" type="attribute" value="Please do"></criteria>
<criteria name="fileType" type="attribute" value="jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff"></criteria>
<repurpose format="png" height="100"></repurpose>
<export name="Shrunken" type="view"></export>
This task is triggered when the attribute Shrink me is changed to the value Please do for any number of jpg, jpeg, tif, or tiff asset file types.
Any assets affected by the AutoTask's matchCriteria will be repurposed as png files with a height of 100 pixels; because a width parameter is not specified, the asset's width will adjust proportionally as its height is shrunk.
The results of the repurpose action are then attached as views to their corresponding asset.