AutoTask Timing

Technically, AutoTasks execute in a threaded queue that is separate from the main NetX Job Queue. However, any actions needed often are then added to the Job Queue. That is, the AutoTask initializes itself (mostly figuring out if the match criteria apply to the particular event details) separate from the Job Queue, and then any actions that the Task defines are then pushed onto that queue (such as a modification, notification, etc).

By default, the AutoTask thread checks the queue in a 1-sec loop. Additionally, each Task has a default runtime set 1 second into the future. This delay exists simply to ensure that data is readily available to Tasks. Putting these two systems together, Tasks may be delayed between 1 and 2 seconds. However, in some cases, this delay may not be desirable. Therefore you can tune these delays to fit the needs of your deployment.

Property Description


This determines the thread-check loop. This value is measured in milliseconds; so 1000 is 1 second.

Value options: number

Requires restart? Yes


This determines the thread-check loop. This value is measured in milliseconds; so 1000 is 1 second.

Value options: number

Requires restart? Yes

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