AutoTask Exports

For an overview of AutoTasks and their syntax, see AutoTasks

Assets affected by an AutoTask's match criteria can be exported in a variety of ways, such as by email, or to a predetermined folder location while preserving any saved metadata

Export types


Assets that meet an AutoTask's match criteria can be emailed directly to a predetermined email address.

Parameter Description


To use email parameters, the AutoTask's criterion type must be email.

Value options: email


The value of this parameter must correspond to a valid email address. Assets that trigger the task's match criteria will be sent to the specified email address. 

Value options: email address

In the following example, a copy of any asset uploaded to NetX with the attribute value Redundancy plan applied to the attribute Asset needs will be sent to the email address

	<matchCriteria type="and">
    	<criteria type="action" value="import"/>
    	<criteria name="Asset needs" type="attribute" value="Redundancy plan"/>
		<export type="email" address=""/>


If your AutoTask does not include any repurpose parameters, the exported view will be identical to the original asset.

Assets that meet an AutoTask's match criteria can be exported as a view, attached to the original asset.

Parameter Description


To use view parameters, the AutoTask's criterion type must be view

Value options: view


The value of this parameter will be the name of all views generated with this AutoTask. 

Value options: Any valid asset name


When the value of this parameter matches an existing metadata map, exported view will retain any applicable metadata applied to the original asset. This value is case-sensitive. 

Value options: Name of an existing metadata map

In the following example, assets moved or added to the folder /Watermarked assets will be put through an AutoTask process where it will be repurposed, then output as a view called Watermarked view

    <matchCriteria type="and">
        <criteria type="action" value="categoryChange"/>
        <criteria path="/Watermarked assets" type="category"/>
    <repurpose format="jpg" length="800" watermarkAlpha="0.25" watermarkAssetId="667" watermarkPosition="overlay"/>
        <export name="Watermarked view" type="view"/>
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