Image Zoom Settings

Image assets uploaded to NetX receive a zoomable preview, accessible via the asset detail page. NetX utilizes two zooming systems: tile zoom and quick zoom. Tile zoom is the default setting used in both NetX and Portals; it will magnify the asset up to 100% of the size of the original. Quick zoom will enlarge an asset at up to 1000 pixels at the longest edge. The type of zoom and its settings will depend on your site's configuration, and any available transcoding engines.

Zoom settings

Property Description

This property determines the compression setting used while generating image zoom tiles. The value of this property should be the percentage of compression from 1 (heavy compression) to 100 (no compression). 

Value options: 1-100

Requires restart? Yes


If this property is true, zoom tiles are enabled. If this property is false, zoom tiles are disabled.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No


If this property is true, zoom tiles will be cached for a certain period of time. This can drastically improve the performance of viewing zoomed assets, but requires storage in addition to the storage used for the original asset. If this property is false, zoom tiles will not be cached and will be generated with every zoom view.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? Yes


Sets the GB limit for the zoom tiles cache. When the limit is reached, the oldest tiles are deleted. A value of 0 allows unlimited storage. Requires enabling zoom.tiles.cache

Value options:  number of GB

Requires restart? Yes


Advanced settings

Property Description

If this property is true, any zoomed images will be converted to an sRGB color profile. If this property is false, the original image's color profile is used. The ImageMagick transcoding engine is required for this property to be enabled. 

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? Yes

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