Search Settings

The following properties can be configured to adjust search behavior on your site.

Asset ID keyword search

With this property enabled, searching for numerical input via a basic keyword search will return any assets with matching asset IDs in addition to any assets with matching values in other fields. 

Property Description

If this property's value is true asset IDs will be searchable via keyword search. If the value of this property is false, asset IDs will not appear in keyword search results.

Value options: true / false

Default behavior (if not set): false

Requires restart? No


Content search

Property Description

If this property is true, document text will be indexed when a file of a supported format is uploaded or reindexed. Setting this property's value to false will disable document content indexing. Enabling content indexing may impact the relevancy of certain search results (such as keyword searches). Any change to this property will require a reindex.

Value options: true / false

Default: true

Requires restart? Yes


If this property is true, the contents of document files will be searchable while performing both keyword and advanced content searches. If false, keyword search results will not include document content. By default, this property is disabled.

Value options: true / false

Default: false

Requires restart? Yes


If this property is true, the contents of VTT files added as views to assets will be indexed for content searches while using keywordoradvancedsearches. If this property is false, VTT contents will not be indexed or searchable. Any change to this property will require a reindex.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No


If this property is true, the contents of assetviews will be indexed and searchable while performing keyword and advanced content searches. Any change to this property will require a reindex.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No


Document search

By default, there is a restriction on the size of documents the system will index. The following properties adjust this default: 

Property Description

The value of this property should be the maximum file size of an asset, in bytes, that NetX will index content for while uploading and reindexing assets. If an asset is larger than the value of this property, its content will not be indexed. This property applies to dochtmlpdfpptrtfswf, xlsx, and docx file types. The default value is 25000000

Value options: number, in bytes

Requires restart? No


The value of this property should be the maximum file size of an asset, in bytes, that NetX will index content for while uploading and reindexing assets. If an asset is larger than the value of this property, its content will not be indexed. This property applies to csv, eml, and text file types. The default value is 5000000

Value options: number, in bytes

Requires restart? No


Search facets

Property Description
  • Hybrid uses an OR operator between attribute values, but an AND operator between attributes. For example, Dog breeds = (Corgi OR Labrador) AND Dog gender = Female
  • Additive uses an OR operator between all attribute values and attributes. For example, Dog breeds = (Corgi OR Labrador) OR Dog gender = Female.
  • Subtractive uses an AND operator between all attribute values and attributes. For example, Dog breeds = Labrador AND Dog gender = Male AND Size = Tiny

Value options: hybrid, additive, subtractive

Requires restart? No


The number of times a value must appear in a result set before it will be returned as a facet option. The default minimum is 1

Value options: number

Requires restart? No


The maximum number of options returned for each facet. The default maximum is 25. The maximum number allowed is 1000, though larger values may negatively impact the user experience. This is not enforced for system facets.

Value options: number

Requires restart? No


This property controls which system facets are displayed. The value is a comma-separated list of desired system facets with no spaces between. To disable all system facets, use the value none

Value options:fileFormatFamily / fileType / fileSize / creationDate / importDate / modificationDate / none

Requires restart? No


Visual search

Property Description

The value of this property determines the relevancy of your visual search results, as a percentage. The higher the number, the stricter the visual search, with a value of 100 returning only exact matches. The lower the number, the greater the spread of results, with a value of 0 returning all assets.

Values: 0-100

Requires restart? No


Exclude attribute values

Any change to this property requires a full search reindex in addition to a restart of the application.

Property Description

The value of this property should correspond to a list of custom attribute names delimited by commas with no spaces between values, e.g. Product,Media campaign,Publication date. These attributes' values will be excluded from keyword searches, but will still be searchable via advanced attribute searches. 

Value options: Custom attribute names, comma-separated

Requires restart? Yes


Exclude embedded metadata

Any change to this property requires a full search reindex in addition to a restart of the application.

This property controls whether or not a file's embedded metadata, such as EXIF or XMP, will be included in keyword search results:

Property Description

If the value of this property is true, embedded metadata will not be searchable. If the value of this property is false, embedded metadata will be searchable and included in any search results.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No

Search suggestions

Search suggestions will appear to all users regardless of whether or not a user has permission to any asset that match those search terms. Disabling this property will prevent non-permitted users from viewing any asset names or search terms otherwise unavailable to them while performing a search. 

While performing a  keyword search, relevant suggestions will appear as you type. These suggestions may be selected to quickly perform an exact search for that term. 

Property Description

If the value of this property is true, search suggestions will appear. If the value of this property is false, no suggestions will appear.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No

Ignore characters

Any change to this property requires a full search reindex in addition to a restart in addition to the restart of the application.

The following property allows you to configure any characters or character sets to be ignored during keyword and advanced searches. For example, if - were an ignored character, a search for hello dolly and hello-dolly would produce the same results across all search types. Note that this means ignored characters also apply to exact searches performed via advanced search and may produce unexpected results. 

Property Description

The value of this property can be any single characters or series of characters, separated by spaces. Character combinations may be excluded by inputting a series of characters with no spaces between them, e.g. && vs. & &

Value options:+ - && || ! (  ) {  } [  ] ^ \ ~ * ? : ,

Requires restart? Yes


Hiding linked assets from search

To learn more about hiding linked assets from search results, see Hiding Assets From Search

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