Uploading Attribute Data

Attribute data can been edited in bulk using CSV or Excel (XLSX) data files. 

Uploading attribute data

Once you have a properly configured CSV or XLSX formatted file: 

  1. Use the Tools button; select Upload attribute data.
  2. Click the  Select file button and choose the CSV or XLSX file you wish to upload, or drag the file to the upload window.
  3. Once your file has been selected and appears in the window, click Upload.
  4. Once the file has finished uploading successfully, you will receive a notification.

You can now navigate to the affected assets and see their updated attributes. Refresh your browser to see the new data. 

This feature can only update attributes that already exist in the application. It cannot be used to create new attributes.

Attribute formatting Google Sheets CSV Excel

Attribute formatting

Attributes must be formatted specifically according to their custom or system type. Use the examples below to format your file, as any formatting errors will either produce unexpected results or cause updates to fail.

Custom attributes


Text-type attributes are simple one-line text fields. These values may be any alpha-numerical or non-roman character, but line breaks are not supported. 

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated.
  • Dog name is the name of the text attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond to the name of the dog for each asset.


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and Dog name would be bookended by double quotation marks with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.


Text area

Text area attributes are larger text fields used to display longer text values. These values may be any alpha-numerical or non-roman character. Line breaks are supported when creating your file with Google Sheets or Excel.

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Description is the name of the text area attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond to the description applied to each asset.


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and Description would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



Number type attributes are restricted to numerical inputs. Any other input type will cause the update for that field to fail.

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Weight is the name of the number attribute being updated.

Before using numbered values with decimals, make sure the attribute you are updating is configured to support decimal values or the value will not update. When in doubt, contact your site's administrator.


CSV editing

When updating a CSV file directly, assetId and Weight would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



Attributes created as pulldowns have predefined values, only one of which can be applied to an attribute at a time. Note that all values are case-sensitive and must match the NetX value option exactly.

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Dog age is the name of the pulldown attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond exactly to a pulldown value option for that attribute.

If a pulldown attribute has more than one value applied to the same field, the update for that field will fail.


CSV editing

When updating a CSV file directly, assetId and Dog age would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.


If a pulldown value contains a double quote or comma, that value must be bracketed by an additional pair of double quotation marks, e.g. "Quoth the raven, "Nevermore"".


Multiselect attributes have predefined value options that allow for multiple value selections. When entering multiple values, each value must be separated by a comma, with no spaces between content on either side.

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Dog color is the name of the multiselect attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond exactly to multiselect value options for that attribute.
  • Each Dog color value is separated by a comma inside its field without spaces on either side.


CSV editing

When updating a CSV file directly, assetId and Dog color would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order with commas between values for the attribute Dog color, e.g.


If a multiselect value contains a double quote or comma, that value must be bracketed by an additional pair of double quotation marks, e.g. "Quoth the raven, "Nevermore"".


Multiselect attributes have predefined value options that allow for multiple value selections. Each value must be separated by a comma, with no spaces in between content on either side.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Dog breeds is the name of the tag attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond exactly to the tag value options for that attribute.
  • Each breed value is separated by a comma inside its field with no spaces on either side.


CSV editing

When updating a CSV file directly, assetId and Dog breeds would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order with commas between values for the attribute Dog breeds, e.g.


If a tag value contains a double quote or comma, that value must be bracketed by an additional pair of double quotation marks, e.g. "Quoth the raven, "Nevermore"".


Attributes created as date types will strictly accept date values, though there are a variety of accepted formats that can be used. Only one date value may be applied to an attribute at a time.

In the example below:

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • Adoption date is the name of the date attribute being updated; the subsequent row values correspond to the date the dog was adopted.
  • The date is formatted as yyyy-mm-dd; though others are supported, yyyy-mm-dd is highly recommended and is the format displayed in NetX. 


CSV editing

When updating a CSV file directly, assetId and Adoption date would be bookended by double quotation marks with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/attribute value row should maintain this same format and order with commas between values for the attribute Adoption date, e.g.


Accepted formats

NetX accepts the following date formats in addition to the recommended yyyy-mm-dd format. Note that any format which includes timestamps will be accepted, but not stored in the database or visible in the application. The value will not update if the cell's date formatting is invalid.

dd MMM yyyy
dd MMMM yyyy
yyyyMMdd HHmm
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
dd MMM yyyy HH:mm
dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm
yyyyMMdd HHmmss
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss
dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss

System attributes


When changing a file's file name, the assetId attribute must be used as the key attribute. 

The name of the asset's original file, including the file extension, will be its name once downloaded from NetX. You must be at least a manager to modify this attribute.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • file refers to the attribute being updated for that asset. This value will apply to the asset named in the assetId column. A file extension must be included or the update will fail. 


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and file would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/file row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



The name of the asset displayed in the application. The name attribute does not include a file extension, and is separate from the actual filename of your asset (the file attribute). You must be at least a manager to modify this attribute.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • name refers to the attribute being updated for that asset. This value will apply to the asset named in the assetId column.


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and name would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/name row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



The hidden attribute governs whether the asset appears in search results for any user who is not an administrator. The assets will still be visible in the following contexts:

  • The relationships tab when linked
  • Collections
  • Direct URL access
  • Share links
  • Reviews

The hidden attribute has two values: 0 and 1. If the value is 1, the asset will be hidden; if the value is 0, the asset will be shown in the gallery and search results for all permitted users. You must be at least a producer to modify this attribute.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated.
  • hidden has a value of for assets 787791, and 794, meaning that they are hidden from non-administrator searches and galleries even if they have explicit permission to the asset.
  • Asset 846 has a hidden value of 0 and is fully visible in all searches and gallery contexts.


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and hidden would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/hidden row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



The visible attribute determines whether or not users can see an asset in any context. Administrators may view and perform actions on these assets as usual.

The visible attribute has two values: 0 and 1. If the value for an asset is 1, it will be visible to any permitted users as usual. If the value is 0 the asset will be invisible to all users below the administrator level, even if they are permitted to the assets' folders. You must be at least an Administrator to modify this attribute, and the property below must have a value of true.

Property Description

If this property's value is true, an administrator can change an asset's visibility status.

Value options: true / false

Requires restart? No

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated. 
  • visible has a value of 0 for assets 787791, and 794, meaning that they are completely hidden from non-administrator users, regardless of any permissions they may have applied to them.
  • Asset 846 has a value of 1 and is visible to any user with permission to the asset. 


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and visible would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/hidden row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



Manager-level users and above can organize assets with the header key pathAdd. Updated assets are added to the folder named at the end of the file path, in addition to any existing folder locations. 

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated.
  • pathAdd identifies the folder path. Each folder should be the full path to the desired folder from the top level of the application, delimited with a / (forward slash).
  • Duplicate filenames will prevent assets from being added to the destination folder.



CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and pathAdd would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/pathAdd row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.



Manager-level users and above can organize assets using an Excel file with the header pathMove. Unlike pathAdd, this action removes assets from any pre-existing folders and moves them to the destination folder specified.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated.
  • pathMove identifies the folder path. Each folder should be the full path to the desired folder from the top level of the application, delimited with a / (forward slash).
  • Duplicate filenames will prevent assets from being moved to the destination folder.


CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and pathMove would be bookended by double quotation marks, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent asset ID/pathMove row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.


Clearing existing values

Attribute data upload can be used to clear existing values, resulting in an empty or blank field.

  • assetId corresponds to the asset ID of each asset being updated.
  • Description is the name of the attribute being emptied of values.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 11.16.41 AM.png

CSV editing

If you are editing a CSV file directly, assetId and Description should be escaped with double quotes, with a comma between the two fields. Each subsequent assetId/Description row should maintain this same format and order, e.g.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 11.18.49 AM.png

Advanced settings

Adding values to tag attributes

You can allow users to add new values to existing tag attributes on an attribute-by-attribute basis by administrators when creating custom tag attributes; simply select Allow users to create values while configuring the tag. This means if a value is not a preexisting value the update will not fail, but this may result in misspellings or near-matches to existing value options.

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