User Attribute Sets

Attribute sets are curated lists of attributes used to filter the display of data in various contexts throughout the application. While NetX administrators manage system attribute sets accessible to all users, individuals can create their own shareable attribute sets.

Creating a user attribute set

  1. Open the User menu and select Attribute sets
  2. To add a new set, click the Add attribute set button.
  3. Give your set a name.
  4. Click on the Add attributefield to begin adding attributes. Select attributes via the drop-down list, or type the attribute name into the filter field to quickly narrow your results.
  5. To customize the order of your set, use the drag icon. The order shown in the set is respected in all galleryasset detailattribute editing contexts. The topmost attribute will appear first, and is the single attribute shown in card view.
  6. Remove unwanted attribute fields with the Remove button; to remove all attributes use the Removebutton inside the pill.
  7. Click Save to create the set.


Editing user attribute sets

Any user with sufficient privileges can add new attributes, reorder, and rename or delete a set. Using the set's actionbutton:

    • Select Manage team access to edit a set's permissions. 
    • Select Edit to change or reorder the attributes in the set, or rename the set.
    • Select Delete to delete the set from the system; this will delete the set for all users.  


Sharing attribute sets

Attribute sets can be shared with other users, with custom roles that allow you to control which actions can be performed.


Administrator users are subject to role restrictions while using collections shared with them from other users. This means even if a browser were to share a collection with an administrator as a viewer, that administrator would still only be able to access that collection as a viewer with all attendant restrictions. 

When sharing an attribute set, you can assign a user one of three roles: viewer, contributor, or manager. Each of these will grant access to the attribute set being shared. These roles are independent of user level, but users without explicit user level permission to an attribute will not be able to see that attribute in any context. Note that permissions are cumulative; if a user is given multiple roles – either explicitly or as a group or all users – the most permissive role will take precedence.

  • Viewers: Viewers can view the attribute set in gallery, asset detail, and editing contexts. They cannot edit the set in any way, delete the set, or edit roles.
  • Contributors: Contributors can view the attribute set in any application context, and can also modify the set. This includes adding, removing, and ordering any attributes as well as renaming the set. They cannot delete the set or edit roles.
  • Managers: Managers can view the attribute set in any application context, modify the set itself (both its name and attribute content), manage team access, and delete the set from the system. When you create a new attribute set, you will automatically be granted a manager role. Note that all shared sets require at least one manager. If the only user account with a manager role is deleted from the system, the set will still be accessible by those it was shared with, but can no longer be managed.

Sharing with a team

  1. Click the set's menu  button and select Manage team access
  2. Type the user(s) or group(s) you wish to invite and select the desired Role. Note: if a user is added via multiple groups, the most permissive role will take precedence.
  3. Optionally add a message that will be included in the invitation email.
  4. Once you are finished, click Send. Each new team member will receive an email.

Each invitee will appear in the Team members list. To edit or remove their access, use the Role dropdown menu next to the member.


Using attribute sets

Attribute sets are available in any context that attributes appear, including: the gallery, asset detail pages, attribute editing contexts, and other workflow screens. In the attribute set drop-down list, user sets appear under a User sets heading to indicate that the set is a user-created set, and system sets (created by administrators) appear under a System sets header.

In the gallery

Attribute sets can be used in curator or list gallery views. Attributes that have no data will show No value for the attribute, but will display the attribute name. Note that card view will display only the first (topmost) attribute in your set.


In asset detail view

While viewing an individual asset from its detail page, you can select attribute sets from the drop-down list on the righthand side. In this context, only custom attributes in the set are shown since system attributes are not editable.

In attribute editing tools

Asset detail

Choose an attribute set while viewing attributes in either grid editor or quick edit panel contexts. Only custom attributes will appear in these contexts, as system attributes will not be editable.


Quick edit

Use the quick edit panel, to edit the attributes for a selection of assets; choose an attribute set from the drop-down list at the top of the panel.


Grid edit

Use grid editor to edit a selection of assets in a spreadsheet-like interface.


During other actions

Attribute sets can be chosen during certain actions, such a creating a PDF and exporting attributes.

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