Resetting Your NetX Password

If you are logging into NetX using SSO or LDAP, your administrator may have disabled the password reset links shown below. If that is the case, please contact your administrator for guidance on how to reset your password.

Reset your password

Forgot password.gif

  1. Click the Forgot password? link on your NetX login page.
  2. Enter your NetX username
  3. Check the email address associated with your NetX account; there should be an email with a reset link to create a new password.  

If the username does not match any known NetX user, you will receive an error message: Could not send password reset email. If this occurs and you do not know your NetX username, contact your site's administrator.

Create a new password

Forgot password.png

The password reset screen displays two input lines: first for a new password, then to confirm your new password.

By default, passwords are case sensitive, and must be at least 8 characters long; your site's security configuration may vary. Both passwords must match exactly and is CaSe SeNsItIvE.

Once your password change has been accepted, you can use your new password and existing username to log in to NetX.


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